Yemen latest developments


Yemen latest developments


18 Jun 2008 Security, terrorism threats remain high despite arrests of suspected extremists

According to local reports, the security forces on 16 June arrested suspected members of an extremist cell in the capital Sanaa.

A renewed campaign by domestic extremist groups, some of which are loosely aligned with al-Qaida, has been underway since late 2006 and is currently taking the form of periodic hit-and-run attacks against the assets of the government and foreign companies. Likely targets for future attacks include government and Western personnel and assets, embassies, hotels, places of entertainment, tourist sites and oil installations. Attacks may take the form of large-scale bombings of targets or small-scale attacks by individuals or small local groups. While the arrests may weaken the campaign, a risk of terrorism persists in all provinces and the security forces have been unable to prevent attacks east of Sanaa, in the south or in Sanaa itself.

Yemen’s political system of patronage is under huge pressure because of a significant decline in oil production and water supplies, a rapidly expanding population and high unemployment. Government forces also face a risk of overstretch because of persistent uprisings in the north, pervasive unrest in southern areas and a significant increase in tribal power, disputes and unrest east of Sanaa. Consequently, future attacks on government targets may be the work of southern dissidents or northern rebels, though such groups are unlikely to attack foreign companies at this stage. However, their actions could increase the incidental risk to travellers and in-country personnel, indicating that security and terrorism threats in Yemen are likely to remain HIGH for at least the next year.

The activities of domestic extremists are intensifying because the relationship between the older generation of extremist leaders – for whom Yemen served more as a base and thoroughfare for their activities than a theatre of operations – and the government has broken down. Growing extremist activity is also being driven by the continuing ‘inspiration’ that the Iraq insurgency offers to local extremists (as well as the likelihood that Yemeni nationals returning from Iraq are providing extremists with some logistical training) and the unanticipated consequences of the government’s willingness to co-opt domestic extremists. Extremists have also been able to evade security measures by the security forces and adapted their tactics to include small-scale bomb attacks, which remain crude but are potentially effective. Further attacks are possible in the near future.

Recent security incidents

The security forces on 13 June defused a device that had been planted in a government complex under constriction in the al-Haima district (around 60 miles (100km) west of Sanaa). Subsequently, an unidentified group of men launched a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) at the residence of Ahmed al-Maysari, the governor of Abyan province, though no injuries were reported. It remains unclear whether domestic extremists, northern rebels or southern dissidents were responsible for the incidents.

28 May 2008 Clashes near Sanaa underline continued security threat posed by northern rebel group

Following several days of heavy fighting, government forces on 31 May had reportedly repelled an advance by the northern rebel Mujahideen Group (also known as the Believing Youth or al-Houthi) that reached the Beni Husheish area of Sanaa province (around 19 miles (30km) south-east of the capital Sanaa).

The Mujahideen Group until recently focused its activities primarily on the northern province of Saada, but has recently sought to expand its campaign into the neighbouring province of Amran and also Sanaa, with some success. Control Risks advises personnel in Saada and Amran that the security situation in some areas of the provinces is likely to deteriorate in the short term and that they should implement crisis management and business continuity plans, restrict movement and use any warden system to monitor the situation. Businesses with operations in Sanaa and other parts of the country are advised to postpone travel to Saada and Amran until further notice and incorporate the continued risk that the Mujahideen Group’s uprising and government attempts to suppress it pose into their incident response, crisis management and travel management planning. Although the rebel group does not have the ability to overthrow the government, it has survived repeated attempts to suppress it; the current uprising is likely to persist in the short term, with a credible risk of hit-and-run attacks against government and security forces targets in Sanaa.

Many houses in Beni Husheish were demolished during three days of airstrikes and shelling by government forces. While the government has not released any casualty figures, unconfirmed reports indicate that a number of people have been killed on both sides. Government forces have established checkpoints on main streets in Sanaa, searched cars and questioned passengers, and constructed barricades and underground trenches on the main road to Sanaa’s international airport.

Mosque attack

In the second attack on a mosque within a month, a gunman on 30 May fired indiscriminately at worshippers in a mosque in the Amran town of Kohal, killing eight people. Separately, clashes between the Mujahideen Group and government forces have been reported in the Harf Sufiyan district of Amran in recent weeks. Rebels have also reportedly cut some supply lines to military zones in Amran and Saada.

22 May 2008 Partial cabinet reshuffle unlikely to signal policy shift

President Ali Abdullah Saleh on 19 May issued a decree moving or sacking ten government ministers and bringing six new figures into the government. A government announcement on 20 May said that the dismissed ministers were being investigated for corruption.

Control Risks advises that the reshuffle is unlikely to herald a significant shift in government policy. Saleh is likely to taken the move in a bid to address concerns among Yemenis and foreign investors over rising levels of corruption while also assuaging widespread discontent in the country over economic mismanagement, unemployment and declining oil revenues. In addition, while further anti-corruption initiatives and investigations are likely to be announced in the near future, corruption in the political system is widespread and Saleh himself depends on patronage and corruption to underpin his rule; the president uses his power to benefit himself and his tribe, places relatives and cronies in key government positions, and uses patronage to ensure the loyalty of the army and the government machinery. As a result, any meaningful, wide-ranging clampdown is unlikely. Saleh also frequently replaces senior officials to ensure that none become powerful enough to challenge his rule or provoke discontent among other senior regime figures.

Cabinet reshuffle

Notable aspects of the reshuffle included the replacement of former oil minister Khaled Baha with Amir al-Aidarous, Yemen’s current ambassador to France. In addition, Rashad al-Alimi was appointed as deputy prime minister for defence and security affairs. Motahar al-Masri will assume Alimi’s former role of interior minister.


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